Moonbeam Routed Liquidity
Carrier's integration with Moonbeam Routed Liquidity allows the Polkadot ecosystem to be connected to other chains with bidirectional bridging. Users will be able to bridge BTC, DAI, ETH, and USDC between the full list of networks on Carrier and HydraDX, a decentralized liquidity protocol and Polkadot parachain.
While this guide doesn't assume any experience with bridging, a general understanding will help get you up to speed. If you're new around here, start by reading our token bridge guide.
Creating a Polkadot wallet
Make sure you have an account from one of the following wallets:
Connect to Carrier by clicking on Add wallet under the wallet dropdown at the right corner of the site and selecting the appropriate wallet provider.
Approve the prompt that appears from your wallet to start using the bridge. In the example below, we are using PolkadotJS.
Auto Relay
Auto Relay is supported for all transactions bridging to and from HydraDX.
Users who enable Auto Relay will not have to manually redeem their transaction on the destination chain, with the relayer paying gas fees on behalf of them.
Bridging to HydraDX
Follow the user journey as we bridge from Fantom to HydraDX, with Auto Relay turned on.
Select a source network and connect your wallet under the Source Panel. In this instance we'll be using Fantom.
Select HydraDX as your destination chain and connect to a Polkadot wallet under the Destination Panel.
Click on Select token and choose from the existing list of tokens or paste the contract address for the token.
Enter the amount you would like to bridge and approve the transaction. In this example, we'll be using DAI.
Confirm the transaction to refresh the page and walkthrough each step of the bridging process.
Bridging from HydraDX
Flipping the process follows the same steps. If you have not yet installed or created a wallet account within the Polkadot ecosystem, you'll be prompted to do so.
Last updated